序文 Plorogue                                      

*English follows Japanese
 藤原敦氏の「蝶の見た夢 Part2」は前回の続編だが、今回は主人公の宮古島での平和な日常生活が撮影されている。東京でのハードな生活と対照的なのが妙といえる。



Mr.Yasuyuki Aizawa, our guest for this issue, is not exactly what we call "a photographer." He was born in Miyagi-Prefecture in 1971. He worked asa freelancer, but he also worked as an interpreter. He became interested in Iraq as he lookedinto what kind of route the U.S. will take after 911. He observed how it developed into a war with Afghanistan and how they shifted the target to Iraq, he began protesting against its unconscionability. He wentto Iraq before the war in February 2003 as a member of "humanshield." He stayed in Iraq evenafter the war began and he stayed and continued shooting until August2004. The Iraq War was never a legitimateone, as it was initiated one-sidedly based on the U.S. reasonings. First of all, al-Qaeda has no relations toIraq whatsoever. Al-Qaeda originatedfrom a fundamentalist group called Wahhab, which is a part of SunniMuslim. They were explicitly against Saddam Hussein, who was the secular leader. Henceforth, they did not have a chance to expand their influence to Iraq while Saddam Hussein was alive. The possession of "weapon of mass destruction", or WMD, was used as anexcuse to initiate the war, however, it was proven after the war that this wasnot a fact. After all, what the U.S. hadin mind must have been "maintenance of domestic military industry","stable supply of oil" and "protection of Israel." And what the U.S. did was nothing less than amassacre using WMD. This is nothing new,they have history of using atomic bombs in Japan as well as incidents like Great Air Raid in Tokyo and indiscriminate bombings in Vietnam; however, theusages of depleted uranium (DU) weapon and cluster bombs in Middle East duringthis war shall be blamed and regarded as an act against humanity. DU sprinkles radiations to the air upon itslanding. After the war, Iraq has seen anincreased number of cases of leukemia, cancer and fetal malformation inchildren. Cluster bombs split into some200 pieces of bomblets upon its landing and each one explodes in the surrounding area, however, it is assumed that more than 5% of which do notexplode and they remain and function as land mines thereafter. Not calling these weapons WMD is nothing butselfishness on the U.S. side.Simply put, the only thing that the U.S. spent time on thinking after 911 was how toreplace words. They are calling theirenemies "terrorists" in order to justify their attacks. Professor Michael J. Sandel at Harvard University has published a book called "Justice: What's the Right Thing toDo?"; however, my question is, "has justice ever existed in America,which was founded by paralyzing the native tribes in the first place?" Or is it that justice in America meansnothing more than pissing on dead corps of the enemy soldier?

"Butterflyhad a dream Part 2" is a continuing series from the previous issue. This time, he has captured peaceful life ofthe main character on Miyako-Island. Considering how hard her life is in Tokyo, it is quite strange to seethis in comparison.

"KuroshioFarm - Shikoku" by Mr. Eiji Sakurai was shot in Kochi-Prefecture and Ehime-Prefectureon the Pacific side of Shikoku in March 2009. We have featured his fascinations and attachment to the ocean in thethird issue of Asphalt as well, but his fascination goes to the ocean and theport and those who work on the ocean and he is actually not interested infish. He does not go fishing. His interest is more like he used to dream ofgoing to unfamiliar port cities on a tramp cargo ship. His photos in this issue have captured thereality of fishery workers quite well. By the way, I'm going off the topic, but since this publication isgathering more and more readers from overseas, I would like make some thingsclear. Japanese have always lived withthe ocean; we live near the ocean and eat what we can get from the ocean. Our protein intake relied heavily onseafood. It should be obvious that whalefishing has been one of them and this has been a custom in our tradition. We don't even have to show you the evidencesfrom Jomon Period, you could just see the brave pictures of whale fishing by Koukan Shiba in 18th century. This hassome things in common with the issues in Middle East, however, white Christiansoften attempt to attack and exclude customs and manners that are foreign tothem. Refusal to understand different cultures is an indication of childish mentality, at least that's what Ibelieve.

"Encounter with a man" by Hirotoshi Nishioka features the scenery of Changjiang inNanjing, China. He was born inKanagawa-Prefecture in 1982. He hasgraduated from design school in Milan. He visited China for the first time with his parents in 2006. This photo was taken in 2008. It is unfortunate that we could not print more than one photo, but he has a very unique vision and we are looking forward to seeing more work from him in the future.
