序文 Plorogue                                      

*English follows Japanese
 話は変わるが、今年2010年は将来の日米関係を決定する象徴的な年となったと言える。鳩山民主党政権は、沖縄を代表とする日本における米軍基地の問題について初めて正面からアメリカと議論を試みた。これは従来の反日米安全保障条約の運動が、60年反安保も70年反安保も野党と市民グループが主体だったのに比べ、与党が率先したのだから画期的なことと言ってよかったはずである。ところが、それに対するマスコミや世論の反応はどうであったか。どちらも米軍基地の移動や縮小について交渉している自分たちの首相を少しも支援しようとせず、政治と金の話、公約が期日どおりに実現しないという話題に終始し、足を引っ張るだけだった。鳩山に世論の支持がまったくないことに気付いたアメリカは、日本人の「隷民化」が完成したことに満足して、以後まともな応対をしなくなった。鳩山の服装の趣味の悪さをコラムで嘲るのみとなったのである。小林信彦氏は、大新聞がこんなに保守化したのは戦後初めてと嘆き、今後は取らないと憤慨していたが(「週刊文春」)、保守化というより「痴呆化」と言った方がよかろう。彼らにとつてはサッカーのWCや高校野球の方が大事なことらしい。かくして完成したアメリカとのハッピーな関係については、唐仁原信一郎氏の写真「Yokota Friendship Day」をご覧いただきたい。



Our guest for this issue is again Mr. Yang Seungwoo, as you may recall we had him as our guest on the 4th issue as well. We are featuring photos that he shot when he visited Manila and nearby areas in Philippines back in October 2007. He was only there for less than 10 days or so,however, his photos have sharply captured a certain aspect of Philippines. I have a feeling that his vision and intuition are quite similar to that of Mr.Nobuyoshi Araki. Philippines is considered as a part of South East Asia, but its history is dramatically different from other countries in the region. Since countries in Indochina are located right inbetween two major cultures of India and China, although they have developed their own dynasties and culture since the ancient days, their first contact with civilized country was Spain and they were Spanish colony from 16th century to towards the end of 19th century when US has interfered. Because of this, native people and culture are very hard to specify now. Philippines now is, of course, an independent country, however, the biggest issue that their society is facing now in Philippines is that the group of land owners of huge farms created by Spain to produce commercial goods for exporting is still dominating the political economy and the economical gaps between landowners and farmers who work for those land owners, whose working conditions often resemble that of serfs, are extremely big.

Marcos and Akino have made attempts to change this situation, however, they, too, were land owners and their attempt did not bring an adequate success. Philippines is often regarded as a poor third-world country, but people in this country have freedom of speech and they have a democratic government with proper elections with a number of different political parties and the votes are taken by writing down letters; a proof for sufficient national education system. This is, however, different issue all together from tremendous gap between the rich and the poor and general safety of the nation. (The soldier on the cover is holding a gun.)

By the way, this year, year 2010 served as a symbolic year for predicting the future relationship between U.S. and Japan. The Democratic Party of Japan led by Hatoyama has attempted to hold discussions regarding U.S. bases in Okinawa as well as various other areas in Japan in straight-forward manner for the first time. This was revolutionary since it was led by the ruling party instead of being a grass-roots movement supported by the opposition party, which had been the case for the past "anti-Japan-U.S.Security Treaty" that had taken place in the 60s and the 70s. How did mass media and people in Japan react to this? Japanese citizens did not show the slightest in tension in supporting their own prime minister who was fighting to move or downsize U.S. base and they only talked about matters around politics and money and how the promised dead line was not met. It didn't take too long before U.S. realized that Hatoyama was not supported by his own people and U.S. was satisfied to see that construction of "democratic slavery system" has been completed. U.S. heeded no attention to Japan soon after this incident. They simply made fun of Hatoyama's bad fashion taste in columns. Nobuhiko Kobayashi had lamented that this is the first time that the major newspapers had become so conservative and he was so indignant that he declared he would no longer read any of them.  (Weekly Bunshun) To me, this trend seems more like "dementia" rather than conservatism. The World Cup and high school baseball are far more newsworthy to them. If you want to know more about our happy relationship with U.S., which was completed through all these incidents, pleasesee photos of "Yokota Friendship Day" by Mr. Shinichiro Tojimbara.

"Kagoshima" by Mr. Atsushi Fujiwara is a continuation from the last issue. Photo of his grandfather, Tohmon Fujiwara, can be seen in this issue. I mentioned that he was a poet and also a school teacher for a long time in the last issue. There is a tanka that he talked about education issues, so I would like to share this one to you.
"Without parents or property, there they goaway from selection, smart students with nowhere to go"
This is a tanka deploring the disadvantage of students with single parent or students from poor family at the time of employment test. While this trend stands true even today, it was more explicit before the War. You can sense that he was an enthusiastic teacher from this piece.

Last, but not least, Ms. Nozomi Iijima was born in1979 in Saitama-Prefecture. She has graduated from Kyoritsu Women Junior College. She is the first female artist featured on Asphalt. She has written about it, too, but her parents were livestock breeders. The photos included in this issue belong to the "Pig" series and they have not been publicized before, however, she had the "Pig" series exhibition at Nikon Salon, so many of you may already have heard about it. Her talent is not limited to piggies, she has an extraordinary talent in scenery photos as well. She is definitely one of the most attention worthy photographers of today. We are looking forward to seeing her future work.
