「ぽたらか」の人々 徳本義明 

「People at "Potalaka"」  Yoshiaki Tokumoto


Ms. Kohshu Hirao is a very puzzling person.
It is impossible to tell what she's thinking and what she will do in the future is purely unpredictable.
She is running free shelter "Potalaka" now, free or cheap accommodation facility is a popular topic these days;however, all the people who stay in her shelter are in bad physical conditions. Disabled people, people with runaway tendency, people with progressed dementia, people with low ADL(Activities of Daily Living); those are people who are not accepted in normal facilities.
Running such a facility requires hands of many people.  The helpers are people who had no homes or jobs. They live and work in this shelter as staffs. Free food and bed are provided to the staffs in exchange for their work.

People in this shelter have lowered ADL, so it is not rare for them to die in this facility. Since she wasa nun before, she conducts funerals for them as well.
This is somewhat in gray zone from legal perspective, however, it is truly applaudable that she does not care about it at all.

I will continue to capture images of peculiar relationship between Ms. Kohshu Hirao, people at the shelter and the staffs.