長谷川明 序文
Akira Hasegawa Prologue


 写真雑誌 ASPHALT は本誌で二号目となるが、私は編集長を委託されたので簡単な解説を述べてみる。今号からレギュラー二人、ゲスト一人という体制が確立されたので、これが事実上の創刊号といってもよいだろう。








This is 2nd issue of photography magazine ASPHALT. Since I have been appointed as the chief editor, I want to have a word or two about the contents. This magazine’s new structure consisting of 2 fixed photographers and 1 guest photographer is established starting on this issue, so this issue can be considered as the first actual issue.
I accepted the position of chief editor because looking at Atsushi Fujiwara’s photos gave me some ideas. That was because I watched a film called "Secret Sunshine" by I Chang-dong, a Korean director. This film takes place in this local city called Miryang and it is truly a hopeless story. It is about a divorced woman with a young son who move to a new city and her son gets kidnapped and murdered there. The film focuses on depicting her agony after the kidnap incident. As I was watching the film, I was wondering how the film would be concluded, but the last scene was brilliant. It ends with a connotation that she will end up being with a man who was worried about her throughout the story, but last still image was a long shot of yard, a yard with some garbage lying around. This is what mediocrity means and this is what everyday life is and this is about giving up. This is the world in which we are living.
Take a look at Fujiwara’s photos on this issue. They are simply captured city sceneries. They are not beautiful or eccentric. Many readers may say "so…. what"? However, this is photography. I have been working with photos as a photo editor for more than 30 years. My conclusion is that I do not see values in created photos.

This is the reason why I appreciate these Fujiwara’s sickeningly normal photos for the sake of expression, which are so different from photos with clear intentions (ads, news, nature, etc). These are the most rugged photos of today. These are definitely not what Yonosuke Natori would call "the Art."

Photos by Shin-ichiro Tojimbara have captured imageries of Tachikawa, where he grew up. He was born in 1972, so he does not know of the military invasion era, but this empty city still has this "lost" sensation even now. His photos are composed of his intention and fascination about this very place, even if things are different from Tachikawa he once knew. The characteristics of those photos are taken in the style of "nothing special." His comment, "do the opposite of Daido Moriyama", probably has complex meanings, however, to continue meaningless behavior of shooting meaningless scenery in day light require such a strong mentality. There are some issues around future progress, but his works are certainly attention worthy.

Chon Songte’s photos (His Japanese name is Seita Hirota) are private documentary in orthodox style. He was born in 1972 in Japan and he is a resident of Japan with North Korea nationality. These photos were taken when he went to visit his grandmother who was living in Pingyang. Usually, you are not allowed to take pictures in North Korea. I have experienced it, too. It was also the same way in Korea before their democratization. If you try to take pictures in a city, people always called you a spy. He was able to take those photos because he was simply taking pictures of his family members. Women who are playing hanafuda, flower cards, are sitting with their one knee drawn up. This is a proper way of sitting for women in North Korea. Grandmother in photo has passed away 3 months after the shoot. There is nothing I can say about those photos. It is simply sufficient to say that very basic function of photos is to record.
So, here I have a photo book consisting of photos by 3 photographers with completely different point of views. I have done editing of so many photo books in the past, but this one has been a challenging one to put together.

I hope the readers will be able to feel something similar to what I had felt, too.

Akira Hasegawa